Frequently Asked Questions
This is a place where you can find the most commonly asked questions quickly answered. If you do not see your question below then feel free to contact us!
Contact Us
Appraisals and Restorations
Does the Art Center offer art appraisals?
No, we do not appraise art. You can find a certified appraiser by visiting the American Society of Appraisers.
I need a piece of art restored! Where should I start?
Visit the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works to find a conservator.
The Arts Center
Is The Arts Center a governmental agency?
No. The Arts Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Is The Arts Center building available for rental?
Yes, the The Arts Center is available for rental for receptions, meetings, and special events. Visit the “Facilities” page for additional information.
Who are the ACBV Affiliates?
Affiliates are local non-profit arts organizations who are affiliate members of The Arts Center representing the visual, performing, and heritage arts in the Brazos Valley. You can find a complete list of Affiliate organizations by visiting the Affiliates section of the website. A listing of upcoming Affiliate events can be found on our Events Calendar.
Getting Involved
How do I become a member of The Arts Center or renew my membership?
Visit our Individual Membership or Business Membership page to learn about the benefits of our membership programs or email
I’d like to donate to The Arts Center, how can I do that?
Donations assist us with our programs and activities for local youth and the community. Click here to make a donation online, mail a check to 4180 Highway 6 South, College Station, TX 77845, or call 979-696-2787.
How do I become an Affiliate of The Arts Center?
An affiliate is a partner not-for-profit arts, culture, heritage or arts-educational organization entered into an agreement with The Arts Center for the primary function of promoting the arts, culture and heritage of the Brazos Valley; an area defined as the counties of Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson and Washington, Texas. Click on the Affiliates page under Get Involved to learn more about the application process.
How do I become an ACBV Volunteer?
The ACBV is always looking for volunteers to assist with gallery management, special events, and other opportunities. Please email for more information.
I’d like to display my work, what should I do?
The ACBV accepts requests through an online submission form. Although we don’t guarantee a solo show, we will review requests as potential shows for Community Galleries and the galleries at The Arts Center. Visit the Gallery Request page to submit your request today!
How and when do I apply for a grant for my organization?
Downloadable applications are available on The Arts Center’s website. College Station/Bryan and Navasota applications will become available at the end of March. Rural Grant applications will be available in January.
My organization is not an affiliate of The Arts Center. Can I still apply for a grant?
Granting funds are only available to Arts Center affiliates in good standing. For more information on becoming an affiliate visit the “Affiliates” page under the “Get Involved” tab.
Which grant is my organization eligible for?
If your organization is located in one the six rural counties The Arts Center serves (Leon, Washington, Madison, Burleson, Robertson, or Grimes) you are eligible for the Rural Sub-granting program.
Organizations operating and programs presented within the Navasota Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) may be eligible for funding through the City of Navasota’s Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Revenues.
Affiliates that operate in Bryan, College Station, or Brazos County are eligible for funding through The Arts Center’s Marketing and Program Grant. Funds are provided by the City of College Station and the City of Bryan’s Hotel/Motel Occupancy Tax Revenues.
How much funding is available?
The amount of funding available varies from program to program. Rural Grant recipients generally receive between $250-$2,500. Marketing and Program Grant awards vary based on program and application eligibility.
How much is admission to visit your galleries?
planning on bringing a large group to The Arts Center or would like details on arranging a tour of the exhibits.
How often do you have a new exhibit?
We typically have about 5 shows per year.