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Providing a Process For Personal Growth For Troubled Teens
Art Reaching Teens
Art Reaching Teens (A.R.T.) for Life is a hands-on, artist-mentored youth program that provides individuals in juvenile detention and on probation with a foundation for making better life choices — the program provides a process for personal growth and a positive outlet for creative energy. This program enables youth to uncover the power, strength, and wisdom that exists within themselves.
A.R.T. for Life began in 2008 as a collaboration between the Arts Council & the Brazos County Juvenile Services Department, allowing at-risk youth an opportunity to work with experienced painters, poets and performing artists and give something back to the community by creating public works of art. Projects require patience and teamwork, and often take months to complete. Since its inception, almost 200 teens have participated in A.R.T. for Life programs to create dazzling works of art on display across Brazos County. To-date, approximately 83% of all A.R.T. for Life participants have not returned to jail since our first contact with them. This is a testament to the overall effectiveness of the program and the very important impact that the arts make on the lives of young people.
This program is made possible by the generous support of Brazos County, Texas Commission on the Arts, and Brazos County Juvenile Services Department.
How To Help
With your help, we can continue to provide creative outlet tools to youth in our area. Your donation truly makes a difference – it gives our youth tools to make better life decisions and employs community artists. Make an impact and donate to A.R.T. for Life!