Exhibit Details

Date: July 16th – August 30th 2024

Location: The Arts Council Lobby

Description: Glass creations inspired by the artist’s love of plants and animals, but with a twist of bright, fluorescent colors that are very rarely found in nature.

Joseph Robinson

Joseph Robinson is a borosilicate glass blower in Bryan, Texas. Joseph has called Bryan/College Station his home now for the past 10 years, starting with his time at Texas A&M. Two years ago he used his knowledge of metalworking, along with his interest in glass, and began his glass blowing journey. Joseph’s interest in glass started when he was young, with grandparents and other relatives who collected glass, and has stayed with Joseph his whole life.

Artist Statement

Inspiration for most my creations, often comes from my love of plants and animals, but with a twist of bright, fluorescent colors, that are very rarely found in nature. My other large inspiration is geometry and a variety of repeating patterns. These two things combined are the foundation of my art.

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