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Arts, Education, & Hospitality Associates

An associate is a partner for-profit arts, culture, heritage, arts-educational or hospitality organization or practitioner that entered into an agreement with the Arts Council for the primary function of promoting the arts, culture and heritage of the Brazos Valley; an area defined as the counties of Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson and Washington, Texas.


Fill out the application below to become an associate today!

Artists and Hospitality

Associates are divided into artists, for-profit arts organizations, education organizations, and hospitality. Associates can be individuals or organizations that participate in artistic endeavors, such as photography, painting, galleries, performance arts, digital work, art education, etc. Hospitality associates are hotels, venues, or restaurants (including bars and coffee shops).

Associate Benefits

Arts Council association helps build partnerships with other similar organizations, regional businesses, government agencies, individuals, and the general public for the purpose of building community, promoting quality of life, improving educational opportunities, building a stronger economy and encouraging tourism through mutual support, promotion and advocacy.

Interested in Becoming an Associate?

Please complete the application below and send the completed application packet to The Arts Council at 4180 Highway 6 South, College Station, Texas 77845. Associate membership must be renewed annually.